on the product detail page, the user can add several sizes of a color to the shopping cart at the same time. We would like the input fields to empty after successful addition to the shopping cart, so that the user can add more colors without having to delete the number himself. On the product detail page, the user can add several sizes of a color to the shopping cart at the same time. We would like the input fields to empty after successful addition to the shopping cart, so that the user can add more colors without having to delete the number himself.
As an example here is the link: https://jga-versand.de/produkt/frauen/die-braut-schreibschrift-gold-edt/
Thanks, Junes
we have added this feature after many requests from clients that data should be retained after added to cart. If you really need this off I will tell you where to handle this in code.
we have added a PPOM Setting to clear fields after add to if you wish in version 17.3, it will be released in the coming week. For temporary fix you can add following lines into your themes functions.php file:
Okay. worked but with bugs. col-md-3 is up to 100% at “Raster layout” and kill my design.
In addition, “Clear Fields after Add to Cart” does not work with my plugin “WooCommerce Cart popup premium from XootiX”. :/