Hello there,
you have a error in your addon qtypack
I added Options with dot instead of comma prices (1.20 for 1,20)
1,20 will be automaticly made to 1.00 so I use 1.20
In the cart it works fine, everythings ok, but on the productpage there is an issue.
Instead of 1.20 it adds 1.00
If you make a price lower 1, then it adds nothing. I guess you use the wrong type for variables to count here…
Everywhere is written “maximum package count”.. in the help and also the default error-msg ist “maximum is..”
but you cant use lower then the maximum. If i set maximum 30, i have to use 30 items to fill up.. with 29 and lower I cannot add it to the cart.
Request: Please, while fixing this, also add the option to set a mininum-items for package!
Another Request: In Addon Multipleselect please allow a max. choose.
So you can set a number, how many items in the multiselect can be choosen.
Thank you