I thought it was OK, but there are issues with the personalised calculation
see http://onlypens1.metrex.co.uk
This needs working out as there are 2 main calculations need based on one selection
Pick a quantity of pens – these are in price ranges and are set in Bulk Quantity
Pick a number of printed colours – These need to be calculated from the price matrix (in Bulk Quantity)
ADD A PLATE FEE – these are fixed costs based on the selection above of number of printed colours (£30 per colour selected)
Further options are ‘CLiIP PRINTING’
This is like the above where the user selects number of clip printing colours (usually 1 or 2)
This should use the quantity of pens already selected above
Multiply by an amount per printed colour (shown below as range but not the right way to work)
Then add a plate colour (£30 per colour selected)
We urgently need help creating this logic
My client is getting annoyed