I added quantities to a product, with a base price of, for example 10€.
And, I added, some options with quantities, for 1€ – 3€ each. When I select one of that quantities, the product base price, is added on each of it.
In the example that you have here, https://najeebmedia.com/blog/product-variation-quantity-woocommerce/, the option 2, adds a product price, and some other options, with their own price, and the product base price, is added only 1 time, BUT, in your demo, you are having the same issue: https://ppom.nmediahosting.com/product/woo-logo/
I need to add the base price just 1 time, and the other options, as many times as the quantity.
It worked fine when i configured time ago, but now, it stopped working well