I am trying to sync, however it is not possible. I have also tried in two different browers. On edge when i click on extensions ->bulk producst… -> sync data it enters in an infinity loop and never continues. i tried also using opera. On opera when i click on sync data it shows me the window where i should select sync products or sync categories. However, whatever i click it does not continue to next step. It remains at the same state. I have updated on my wordpress site tothe latest version of the plugin
OK, I opened the sheet as described in the topic you sent me, When i click on sync data, it opens the window where i have to select to sync products or sync categories. I click on sync products but nothing happens. I also click on sync categories but still nothing happens. What happens?
I finally realized that the problem is that auto sync works fine for variable but not for variations. When i remove the ok for a variable it auto-synchronizes fine. But variables do not auto-synchronize. The only way to do it is to manual synchronize. Why does this happen? How can I solve it?