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For me, the problem with the Woocommerce Product Bundle (WCPB) has been solved in a very simple way.
Let’s say I have 3 simple virtual products, and each of these products needs to have an additional field in case the customer wants to add a gift package, a simple checkbox that increases the value of the product by 30%.
And I also want to sell a package with these 3 products together at a discount, but this package also needs the additional field for a gift package, also increasing 30% of the value of the product.
Note that the additional field is the same in both cases. Both the 3 products and the bundle will have the option of an additional 30%, but you see, in the bundle, that additional 30% can only be applied once, at the total price of the bundle, and not within each sub product.
For PPOM to work correctly with WCPB, it is necessary to create 2 different PPOMs (even though they both have the same field), one for the separate products and one for the bundle itself. It is important that both the PPOM list and the checkbox inside them have different data name. That is, the PPOM of the products will have a different ID than the PPOM of the bundle.
So I have the following:
PPOM 1 (Product) = [checkbox data_name = “checkbox_product”]
PPOM 2 (Package) = [checkbox data_name = “checkbox_package”]
Separate products:
The bundle would look like this:
– PRODUCT 1 (without PPOM)
– PRODUCT 2 (without PPOM)
– PRODUCT 3 (without PPOM)
So let’s say if BUNDLE were priced at 100, and the user wanted to add the package to the gift, PPOM would increase 30% of 100 and would not affect the sub-products.
If you do not do this and create a PPOM for both, when the user adds the bundle presents in BUNDLE, PPOM will also add 30% in the sub products as they would both have the same ID (data_name).
So it’s important to create different data_names for different product types, have a warning (http://prntscr.com/kzs4oc) inside the plugin, but it would be interesting to leave it highlighted and also add that question to the BUNDLES.
I hope I have helped, I will be waiting for the patch today, which fixes this bug with the prices of the cart, which I posted here previously.