some client requested to remove thumbs from cart/checkout/email when user select from “image” type input. Because some theme has limited spaced on cart pages and it looks messy for their shop. Following code hide image thumb only show image title with link to image. You can add this code inside your theme’s functions.php fie:
add_filter('ppom_images_html', 'ppom_no_image_thumb_in_cart', 99, 2);
function ppom_no_image_thumb_in_cart($ppom_html, $images){
$ppom_html = '<table class="table table-bordered">';
foreach($images as $id => $images_meta) {
$images_meta = json_decode(stripslashes($images_meta), true);
$image_url = stripslashes($images_meta['link']);
$image_label = $images_meta['raw'];
$ppom_html .= '<td><a href="'.esc_url($image_url).'">' .esc_attr(ppom_files_trim_name( $image_label )) . '</a></td>';
$ppom_html .= '</tr>';
$ppom_html .= '</table>';
return $ppom_html;