I am having an issue with my product images not syncing. I am using the pro version of the plugin and everything else is working perfectly. I can sync all other fields and export image links without an issue. I have tried multiple image files hosted on my site and off, changed the formatting in the GSheet of the image cell, removed the hyperlink, nothing seems to be working.
Also is there a way of uploading images to the featured image and gallery seperately?
The Image URLs must be publicly accessible, please share one of the URLs here. And feature image is the first image on the list. But we are working on more features like control/add your own columns in the sheet.
Yes the image is publicly accessible I have even tried using your example urls in your google sheets document. I have decided to now use the image ID’s instead but having another issue where if I input 2 ID’s then it doesn’t import any but when adding 1 ID it works fine. I have played around with the format of the cell but nothing seems to work.
example of cell’s I have tried:
123, 124
‘123, 124
I have checked both settings and format and I still am unable to import multiple images however, I can import a single image using the ID. Could you suggest anything else that could be causing this issue and have you got a working example of multiple image imports using ID’s?