Here’s what I was given to change the email subject:
add_filter('wooconvo_message_subject', 'change_subject', 99, 4);
function change_subject( $subject, $order_id, $from_name, $is_admin ) {
$is_admin = 'yes';
$store_name = wooconvo_get_vendor_name($order_id, $is_admin);
$subject = "New Message in Order $order_id";
return $subject;
Also I use this to change the from email address. I can’t remember what the default was.
add_filter('wooconvo_email_headers', 'change_header', 99, 3);
function change_header( $headers, $order_id, $is_admin ) {
$is_admin = 'yes';
$store_name = wooconvo_get_vendor_name($order_id, $is_admin);
$admin_email = get_bloginfo('admin_email');
$headers[] = "From: $store_name <$admin_email>";
$headers[] = "Content-Type: text/html";
return $headers;
Personally I haven’t been able to style at all though. I’m trying to contribute some seed money to make some needed improvements like these but I think they’re busy.