1. “Apply as discount” show the discount on product page, but when added to cart, it is not applied in Cart.
2. Fractions of the unit price is not shown correct on the product page.
1. Currenly, discount is applied to sum of all addons at the product page no matter the quantity is.
I would like to have the discount on each piece.
Is there a way to fix problems and implement my wish?
it’s already latest version.
Please see screenshots here
If you need to login: test / test
Applying discount per unit total; I could try programatically myself; could you please give some hints where this is handled?
So far, I failed to find where Price Totals are calculated and displayed at Product Page.
Please give feedback asap.
we have fixed the price matrix discount issue in our coming version. But I have updated your site and it’s working fine now. Note that the discount is applied on total cart here: